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Escallonia 'Apple Blossom' (redclaw) 🏑 DIY Designs

Escallonia 'Apple Blossom' (redclaw)

🌱Talk about underrated!

Here's a tough little hedge plant that should be giving poor old over-used Griselinia littoralis a run for its money πŸ’«

I say a tough 'little' plant but there are a a range of escallonia cultivars, so estimated mature sizes vary immensely, but it's a plant that can be kept clipped to size as a hedge 🌲🌲🌲.βœ‚ Escallonias should be pruned after flowering (which is in early summer) has finished.

No, it's not a NZ native plant, BUT it does offer diversity and it's a lot more tolerant of our clay soils than many NZ native hedge plants are. Escallonia are also suitable for tough conditions like full sun, coastal and wind-swept sites.

🌺Pink, white & red flowering options so you're covered whatever your garden colour scheme.

TIP - Escallonia is easily recognised by its super glossy leaves, which have a finely serrated edge.

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