Vinca minor 'Gertrude Jekyll' (Minor Periwinkle) 🏡 DIY Designs

Vinca minor 'Gertrude Jekyll' (Minor Periwinkle - white)

A lovely little plant with many uses! 

'Vinca' makes a tough, very low-growing ground cover, and it'll grow in sun 🌞 or shade 😎. When grown in shady conditions Vinca minor will attain a taller form than the very flat habit seen when grown in full sun conditions. In shade expect a mature height of no more 150mm, in full sun it may stay as low and compact as 50mm.

Vinca minor spreads by putting down roots as it goes, which makes it more robust and better suited to pet and child-friendly gardens than a plant that just grows from one centralised stem.

'Vinca'  is also one of the few evergreen perennial plants that will spill over a wall or pot edge, making it a gorgeous choice for pots, raised gardens, and planter boxes, as well as a quick and effective solution for concealing ugly retaining walls. 

BUT take care, this is Vinca MINOR, a non-invasive cultivated type of vinca. Its common name is 'minor periwinkle'. It should not be confused with Vinca MAJOR, which is an invasive weed known simply as 'periwinkle'.  

Vinca minor is much prettier, with small dainty leaves 🍃 and pretty flowers in shades of white, blue, and purple.

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